Thinking of putting your Christmas tree and want to get a freshly cut tree? Come to the VanLeeuwen hobby farm at 19938 Highway 2, Hunter River. (Just before you reach Just Another Farm as you head toward Kensington from Hunter River). My cell phone is 902-394-2370 if you want to call ahead of time to be sure we are around…most likely we will be these days with covid19! Colorado blue spruce and balsam fir are available in different shapes and sizes – up to 12 feet even. Also some Norway spruce. We have a saw and can cut it for you. We also have some smaller trees in pots in the ground if you want a live tree, but only if the ground has not frozen hard. We do not deliver so bring your truck, van, trailer or roof rack and some rope or bungee cords to bring your beautiful tree home.
The price is simply a donation to Farmers Helping Farmers (cash, cheque or through the FHF website – ). Please help with reducing our summer pruning work …we aged out of teenage kids to help with this pruning in 2020!

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