News from New Glasgow Christian Church
for November and December 2014.
Songs for Stables: A Very Victorian Christmas will take place on Sunday, December 7th at 7:30pm, at the New Glasgow Christian Church. Rehearsals are being held every Sunday afternoon following the morning service beginning November 2. We will have a quick lunch and rehearse for about an hour. Bring your friends and neighbours. We will receive an offering to send a stable or stables full of animals to a World Vision Village. How exciting to think that by singing a few Christmas songs, we can change the lives of people on the other side of the world.
Bible Study: Judy Clark is hosting a six week Bible study starting on Tuesday, November 4th. All women are invited to meet at Judy’s home for coffee, tea and goodies at 9:30am and the study and prayer time will begin at 10:00am. The letter of Philippians written by Paul while he was in prison, will both challenge and inspire you. Contact Judy at 902-963-3698.
Youth Alpha: On Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm-8:00pm at NGCC our new youth group is enjoying the Youth Alpha series. The youth Alpha program is a 12 week video series that outlines in a clear and engaging way the basic truths about Christianity. It is excellent! Our meetings follow a simple formula:
- 6:30-7:00pm, Pizza and Pop
- 7:00-7:30pm, Co-operative Games
- 7:30-8:00pm, Video and Small Group Discussion
Our start was numerically, but not enthusiastically, small. If you are a student in grades 7-12, please join us! Please note: NO GROUP ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH.
Christmas Potluck, Social and Gift Exchange: On Tuesday, December 2nd the New Glasgow Women’s Institute will meet in the Friendship Centre(basement) of the New Glasgow Christian Church for their Christmas Potluck and Social. All women are invited to join us at 6:30pm for a potluck supper followed by a Christmas Gift exchange(value $10.00). For more information contact Gayle at 902-964-2871.
Christmas Craft Fair: Bluefield High School Band is hosting a Christmas Craft Fair at the school on Friday from 5:30pm-9:00pm and Saturday from 10:00-5:00pm. They are also selling Christmas Trees, $30.00 and Wreaths,$17.00 and tickets on a Christmas Gift Card Tree value of $500.00.
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